Cost Per Click (CPC) or Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaigns
Cost Per Click (CPC) or Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns can help grow any business extremely fast, before CPC can be effective there is a lot to know about these types of campaigns.
The CPC market place can be extremely competitive and requires substantial research. Your Digi Craft Consultant will educate and discuss the following items with you.
CPC Consultation Checklist:
- Relative bid pricing
- Effective ad creation
- Optimization of advertising placement
Part of the battle is understanding proper use of keywords, key phrases, negative keywords, negative key phrases, website optimization, to assist in a positive ROI so your venture has long term sustainability.
Digi Craft CPC Representatives are Google Professional certified, skilled in Yahoo Search Marketing and sufficient in Microsoft Advertising. Your Rep will be in charge of handling your account 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Your Rep is committed to your continued success on the internet by constantly maintaining and optimizing your CPC Advertising Campaigns, it's their goal to make the best of your online advertising venture.

Creative Marketing and Advertising
Not all companies are the same - Digi Craft sets the standard for Online Marketing and Advertising with websites and ecommerce.

Google Adwords Certified Partner
Microsoft Advertising
Yahoo Search Marketing Ambassador
Better Business Bureau Accredited Business
Hot Campaign Technology
"The Next Level Of Monetization"
Multi Channel AdvertiseIncrease Performance
Manage Sales People
Combine CRM & Sales
Gain Market Share
Analytical Data